Suicidal Tendencies

 Venue: @Larry's : Toronto, ON, Canada
 Date: April 4, 1984
 Time: 43:40
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD C    Audio tape rip
 Notes: FOR DIE HARD FANS ONLY : very poor quality recording & rip : a bit of music behind a wall of hiss/tape noise, with some bad tracks transitions as all "Tappy13" releases & some cuts. This show also includes early versions of 3 songs, with different lyrics (if you can hear them)

Disc 1:
01. Intro / I Feel Your Pain
02. I Want More
03. Look Up... The Boys Are Back
04. Subliminal
05. I Saw Your Mommy
06. War Inside My Head
07. Won't Fall In Love Today
08. Suicidal Failure [cut, probably due to tape flip]
09. Human Guinea Pig
10. Memories Of Tomorrow [cuts out halfway through due to broken guitar string]
11. I Shot The Devil
12. A Little Each Day
13. Born To Be Cyco
14. Institutionalised




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