Suicidal Tendencies

 Venue: @Nassau Coliseum : Uniondale, NY
 Date: July 26, 1991
 Time: 35:56
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : Sony WM-D3 >  Sony PC62 >Nakamichi Deck 1 >  Monster RCA cables > M-Audio Delta 2496 > Sony Sound Forge 10 > Gold Wave 5.65 > Flac
Taper : rcsguy664

**Sound has an echo since I was on extreme left of stage. Incomplete, missing most of first song.

Disc 1:
01 [cuts in] You Can't Bring Me Down
02 Join The Army
03 Alone
04 Send Me Your Money
05 I Saw Your Mommy
06 How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
07 Lovely
08 Pledge Your Allegience




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