Suicidal Tendencies

 Venue: @Nassau Coliseum : Uniondale, NY
 Date: July 26, 1991
 Time: 30:39
 Size: 1 CD

 Sound: AUD
 Notes: Source : Sony D3 cassette w/stock mic
Taper : koondog/Rush-Fan

Transferred & mastered by }{eywood
Lineage: Fuji DRII 90 cassette (M) > Optimus SCT-57 playback deck > Adobe Audition 1.5 (recording to .wav @ 24/96, speed correction, EQ, normalization, splits & fades) > Xrecode II (conversion to 16/44.1) > TLH (sector alignment, flac 8

This recording begins as the taper is walking into the venue. It takes a few minutes to get settled.

Disc 1:
You Can't Bring Me Down [missing]
Join The Army [missing]
Send Me Your Money
I Saw Your Mommy
How Will I Laugh Tomorrow?
Pledge Your Allegience




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