Suicidal Tendencies 

 Venue: @Elysée Montmartre : Paris, France
 Date: October 10, 1992
 Time: 61:01 / 27:59
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: AUD        
 Notes: Source : Audio tape rip

Second night in Paris.

Disc 1:

Disc 2:
01 You Can't Bring Me Down
02 Tap Into The Power
03 War Inside My Head
04 Lost Again
05 Accept My Sacrifice
06 Go'n Breakdown
07 Alone
08 Send Me Your Money
09 Nobody Hears
10 I Saw Your Mommy
11 Monopoly On Sorrow
12 Waking The Dead
13 The Miracle jam / Trip At The Brain

14 Lovely
15 Pledge Your Allegiance
16 I Wasn't Meant To Feel This / Gotta Kill Captain Stupid
17 Possessed To Skate
18 How Will I Laugh Tomorrow




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