
 Venue: @The Palladium : Worcester, MA, USA
 Date: April 2, 2010
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: DAR
 Notes: H2 Zoom Recorder
Notes from the taper :"
This one I decided not to tape from the pit, so it suffers some "distance" sound. Not exactly happy with this, but I think it's listenable. Looking at the stage I was on the left side, up on one of the risers, in front of the merch booth. Some talking around me, especially a happy fellow during Necroshine.

 Disc 1:

Disc  2:
01 The Green And Black
02 Rotten To The Core
03 Wrecking Crew
04 Battle
05 Hello From The Gutter
06 Feel The Fire
07 Ironbound
08 Hammerhead
09 Bare Bones

10 Gasoline Dream
11 Overkill
12 Bring Me The Night
13 Elimination
14 Necroshine
15 Old School
16 Fuck You
17 Sonic Reducer
18 Fuck You (continued)



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